Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Holy Grail for Publishing on Kindle with Color Images

At last, I have found answers for my Kindle Direct Publishing dilemmas.  I found the answers on Kindles Community board.  That is where authors go to ask other authors and publishers for help as they attempt to format their manual into an epublished book. 

"How to Transform a Word File to a Kindle Ready MOBI Book" by jtbigtoad

One of the (many) posts is called:  How to Transform a Word File to a Kindle Ready Mobi book.  It is reader friendly and will take you through the whole process without causing you to hyperventilate.  The author of this post goes by the name of jtbigtoad.  I printed his notes out.  They are 9 pages of well written instructions.  I am forever grateful to him.  I wish you the same success.

Book uploaded and displayed in black and white.

Full color book on Prime.  Ready for the public. 

Now, I will create an author's page for my storybook, Adolfo and Athena.  I am so happy. 


  1. Replies
    1. You're welcome. I think the adventure has just begun. :)

  2. This is so exciting! Love the cover! And kudos to you for figuring all this out and then so kindly sharing with the rest of us so we won't have to start from scratch like you did should we wish to give this a try! Good luck with your sales, and have fun making your author page :)

    1. Thanks for reminding me about the author page! I've also got to work on my site devoted to Athena and Adolfo. And make a book trailer and announce the Fall release of my next book and ...

      I will be blissfully busy doing what I love. :)

  3. Congrats! That is very cool! So many exciting things going on in the world of self-publishing.

    1. Yes! It frees the author from having to write to what's in "vogue" in literature. My art is out there for the world to critique. Ah, freedom.

  4. Congratulations! That is fantastic. You must be so proud.

    1. Thanks, Julie. I'm just happy that I can share my art with the world. Yes, world! I still can't believe it.
